Residents of Latrobe can purchase a booked hard rubbish collection outside of the normal area wide collections that occur once a year.
Your hard waste collection entitlement is 2 cubic metres – 2 metres long x 1 metre high x 1 metre wide. In feet this equates to 6ft x 3ft x 3ft.
Hard rubbish collections can be booked at a cost of $137.20 per collection; plus $28.16 each for mattresses/bed bases. Collections are to be paid by credit card over the phone.
PLEASE NOTE- Booked collections only take place every 4 weeks, so there may be a wait between booking your collection and the collection date. Do not place any waste out until the weekend before your collection week.
Please read the information below along with what is and is not acceptable for information regarding your hard waste collection.
You should receive a confirmation email immediately after booking outlining your collection week, when and where to place out the waste, the acceptable and unacceptable waste and the amount of waste that can be placed out.
Latrobe residential ratepayers can purchase a booked hard rubbish collection, in addition to the free annual area wide collection once per year. It can be up to two cubic metres which is 1m wide x 1m high x 2m long.
Two cubic metres is
Items placed on the nature strip without a booking are considered as illegal dumping and may result in a fine. (If you are unable to place your waste on the nature strip, make a note in the ‘special instructions’ section of the booking form)
Booking instructions
Items placed on the nature strip without a booking are considered as illegal dumping and may result in a fine.
What Items can I put out ?
Most materials collected will be recycled or reused where possible.
Items may be collected by multiple trucks. To save space and keep costs to a minimum, bulky items are compacted in the trucks. Most items are recycled or reused where possible.
Consider donating, selling or giving away items in good condition first.
The hard waste service is for items that cannot be recycled or reused. For more informatio, please visit the council website here.
For any more information on any of our hard rubbish or waste collection services, or any of our other waste management services don’t hesitate to call us on: